What I learned by running a 5km run
on the coldest day of the year
A couple of days ago, I asked my followers in my stories on Instagram, “What is the craziest thing you have ever done?” and what was supposed to be a lightweight question where I thought I would receive around five replies… well, it went over the roof.
I had an excellent post in my head when I asked this question, and by the answers, I realized my post would be wrong.
Things went from killing a chicken, throwing a box from the 6th floor to stop an abuser, to having a 3rd child or immigrating. Eating a pack of cigars (yes, eating), leaving a 9-5 job, telling bosses they were assholes before quitting… the list goes on.
I was an anxiety-driven person many years ago, now, not so much. I am having some trouble with the world’s path, and I fear for the future. After a while, I came to the conclusion that what was the point of doing exercises and eating healthy if the world will end in 10 years. This is fear! And fear is not reasonable.
What’s your biggest achievement?
I talked to many people about this, and I don’t think about the end of the world anymore.
Business Rita & Everyday Rita are two different people. Business Rita is focused, organized, can set goals and slay them, helps all her clients. But it didn’t solve my problem.
Every day Rita is a procrastinator, can’t find a healthy routine if it takes time; everyday Rita complains a lot about being who she is.
I didn’t think that it’s fair to Everyday Rita, so I asked myself, what was my biggest achievement? Something that took all my willpower to do it. It took me a while, but I remembered. That was all on me.
The Polar bear run
At the end of 2018, I enrolled in the Polar Bear Run (a 5km run to help polar bears), supposed to happen in March 2019. I checked the weather. It was supposed to be +6°C.
In January 2019, I joined a gym to train. At the end of February, we got a Polar Air Mass, that dropped the temperatures… On March 3rd, 2019, it was -37°C windchill.
I remember saying “Do I go? Should I go? What if I freeze? What if I die?”
And deciding: I am going there, to the place of the run. I drove to Assiniboine Park.
I saw a tent.
“Ok, I am going to the tent”. I parked, and went to the tent.
There were so many people there, most of the people were apprehensive, and I thought “I am not alone”.
They start a warm-up. “Ok, I am going to do the warm up too”.
And when it was time to start, I convinced myself I could do this. And I went through it. It was crazy cold. It was terrible for a long time, I could feel my body working hard to not collapse.
But after 3km I started to feel so warm, I had to remove my gloves and my toque.
I had a fear of getting frost bitten. But I didn’t and I survived. I even beat my personal record, 43min53s.
This was the craziest thing I ever did, and I learned I am crazy enough to run in a -37°C. What’s stopping me to learn how to rollerblade or eat healthy? Really healthy?
I probably need to take some baby steps towards my personal goals.
What did you learn about yourself after doing the craziest thing?