How to save money in almost anything you need in your business
The best rates ever!
Start an online business without money is not easy but not impossible (like I said in this post)
Lots of people make decisions about money with things. They think they need to buy things just because they are trying something new.
Our society taught us this way, the ads are following us anywhere we go.
Unlike most people, my family gave me the financial advice I needed to start purchasing things. I didn’t have a credit card until my second job and even there I never maxed out.
Actually I never maxed out any credit card I had.
My dad taught me about how to research and only buy when I get the best price. My elder sister taught me to buy only if you have money to pay until the end. And my mom taught me to always ask for a discount or else.
As you grow in your business, you will need to acquire tools and subscriptions.
Unfortunately, this is inevitable. But you can save a lot if you plan ahead!
Some links in this post are affiliate links, if you click and buy from it, I’ll get a small tip. No extra for you. They are marked with an asterisk (*)
| cashback & coupons |

Until I signed up for Canva… and I got 40% back!
I felt so dumb!
Can you imagine how much money would I have right now if I wasn’t so cheap years ago?

ooooh regrets!
You don’t need to be me 5 years ago, here is $20 for you on Rakuten*.
Honey* is different, honey is discounts.
It tests all the coupons for you! It works in most websites. But if Honey is on, Rakuten is off, so you need to measure which one gives the best deals.
I use honey to order food, it works on Skip the dishes. And it works on Amazon as well! It measures the deals on Black Friday too so you know if you are getting a fake deal or not.
| affiliate discounts |
You probably noticed by now that I usually put some affiliate links on my posts. I love affiliate money!🥰
HeadsUp! It’s not possible to get rich with affiliate money, I often refer to it as “coffee money” or tips. (Unless you are doing it as a full time job – not my case)
Most of the time I don’t even get money, or I need to reach a certain threshold to have access to it.
For example, as I am in Canada, pays me in amazon gift cards every time I reach $10 in affiliate. sends me a check, every time I reach $100. I don’t reach $100 every month. But I use that money to pay my hosting fees and add them to my TFSA on WealthSimple (here’s $10 for you to invest*).
I am part of many affiliate programs that give me a free month of the service in question, like Scribd (here are 2 months free for you) and Skillshare (here 40% off your first year).
But the affiliates I like most are the ones that gives you something, as an incentive for you clicking on the link.
And this is how I save as well. I am an Affiliate Hunter! I go after my discount! Even when I can’t find it, I go into the chat box and ask for something. Even 5% off is a good deal!
(Before I use Notion, I used to use ClickUp and they gave me 40% off on pro just because I chat with them)
Don’t be afraid, you already have the “No!” Go after that discount code (and share it with Honey).

[bctt tweet=”When you use an affiliate link, you won’t pay more for it, chances are you will pay less and the company in question is giving you this discount while paying the person who is referring you. Everybody wins!” username=”helloritaviana”]
| How to check if a service has an affiliate discount |
Almost every website has a button called Affiliate (or Become an Affiliate) on the bottom of the page, if you found out that the service you want has an Affiliate area, it’s time to hunt your discount!
Go to your favourite big Facebook Group and search “the name of the product/service + link”, people looove a good deal. They will brag about it and this is how you can help a person who is maybe struggling, to make a bit of coffee money too.
You won’t pay more for it, chances are you will pay less and the company in question is giving you this discount while paying the person who referred you.
It’s one of the smartest marketing strategy ever: the loop!
That’s how you get a discounted rate on almost any service.
If you want to know all the tools and subscriptions I use for my biz, visit my Resources page.
Do you use affiliate links?
| the alternatives |
Every day someone has an idea of an app! Something that will fix a problem they are having and they want to share with the world. How do they do that?
They can post on Google Play and wait for the customers to come to them, install the program, etc.
They can partner with companies like AppSumo* and give their beta clients a Lifetime Deal! I got so many good deals on appsumo. The last one was a Gramarly Spin-off that is amaazing! Some times they give programs for free.
Another place to check for alternatives is Product Hunt.
What I am saying is, maybe you aren’t in a position to invest in the most expensive product for your business. But give a chance to the alternatives, a chance to someone else’s dream.
And as we are talking about saving money here, I just became a Honeybook Educator which gives me the option to offer 50% off of Honeybook!
You can click here to activate or use my code RITAVIANA. Honeybook is a CRM for small business and it seriously, changed my life.
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