Marketing Mindset
What is it and why do you need for your Coaching Business
(even if you know nothing about Marketing)
Let’s talk about the Marketing Mindset.
What do we think it is and what actually is.
Marketing is talking about a product or service.
Everything is marketing. When we talk about what we do, we are doing basic marketing for ourselves.
That’s why networking works, but only when people are not desperate.
I feel that when people are desperate they only see themselves, they don’t care if they are helping other people, they care about people finding them and helping them.
You are a coach, and like me, you are a service provider, and we are the face of our business.
Everything we say, or do can help elevate or sink our business.

When you leave a comment on someone’s photo, or reply to a post on a Facebook group, you are marketing yourself. The more you help, the more you give away as an authority, the more people will seek you for advise and the clients will come.
Many things are necessary to get a pristine Marketing Strategy but it really starts with you. Just ask yourself, how can I help my one client? (read the post here)
What’s the thing I know, and they don’t know about that it’s missing in their lives.
You don’t need to teach the how.
You just need to tell what and why.
And when people passionately replies to your comment, you know you did a good job.
If you have 30 minutes a day to spare in a Facebook Group on your niche and help someone to get out of a tough situation, they will remember you or someone else will.

choose 2-3 groups
Facebook groups are overwhelming and everyday there’s a new one.
Put on your Marketing Mindset and give away your expertise to change someone’s day. You will be seen and remembered. Even if you think your niche is saturated.
Choose 2-3 groups to focus. You can also use the search bar and look for questions you know the answer.
Don’t go to people DM’s, answer the questions in the post. The idea is to show value first and make sure not just the author sees it.
Facebook groups are the best way to find clients, just be strategic about it. Groups with up to 5k members are the best, just make sure your ideal client is active there.
[bctt tweet=”Facebook groups are the best way to find clients, just be strategic about it. ” username=”helloritaviana”]
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