sell on instagram with

Strategic carousels

This is a service to transform the content that you already have into strategic carousels.

too many posts

you already have waaay too many posts

Maybe you got an Instagram course that taught you the types of posts for Instagram, or maybe you got some templates, but are you screenshotting the analytics to see what’s working and what’s not?

So you are creating more and more posts, but I want you to think, what is the limit?

Are you going to create new posts forever?

I am here to tell you…

You have enough content.

“Ok, so why do I need this?”

How many of your posts are actually selling?

I am not talking about virals, I am not talking about engagement. This is all good for Instagram.

But is it good for you?

Instagram loves that you create 7 posts per week, and use the platform a lot. What Instagram doesn’t like is when your client leaves the app.

So you need to sell inside the app. Everything you need to share about your service/product needs to be done inside Instagram.

You can continue to create reels, but let me create your carousels.

What’s Included in the Strategic Carousels:

Strategy Call

15 Strategic carousels using your account as a base

A mini strategy so you will know when to post them.

50 Magnetic Titles done for you.


Every Friday, I get a post from a follower and transform it into a Strategic Carousel. 

before powertoself
power to self old

The post was a testimonial post like so many coaches have (which is great), but unfortunately, a testimonial post will be ignored. 

power to self

I used Curiosity as the title, to make people swipe the carousel. It’s still a carousel post, but this time is a strategic carousel. 

power to self new

She implemented the strategy and got 49 likes and 17 comments. 

If you want to test one strategic carousel before investing, follow me here and DM me telling me you want to test it first.

If you are ready to invest in your Strategic Carousels, sign up today!