Do you know how to prioritize your task list?
Do you say “I can DIY this” to every course or service you see on the internet? Then you start, and start to tweaking everything to the point of perfection?
Suddenly a task that would take 5 minutes is already on the 4-hour mark and you are asking yourself why are you watching a “how to hoola hoop” video from 9 years ago on YouTube.
When you are super close to your problem is hard to see the size of it in the beginning.
Many people think that been an entrepreneur means you will hustle forever ✊, you will save every cent and you’re going to do everything by yourself to show how strong you are!
But then you’re tired, you constantly feel that this is not for you.
You feel drained.
If this your case, you might have a Prioritization Problem.
Let’s say you have a task, every task is a problem at the first stages because you don’t know how it will be. So you have to ask yourself:
- Can I do it by myself?
- Is it easy for me?
- Is it expensive? (how much is your hour? The more time it takes for you to complete this task, the more expensive it’s going to be )
- What’s the result? (the end result of your task, when you tick the task off your list)
- Is it worth it?

Next you have the priority grid, just think about where each of your tasks are in this grid.

🎯If it is Hard for you & High results: Hire a Virtual Assistant
🍹If it is Easy for you & High results: DIY or Hire a Virtual Assistant
🧘♀️If it is Low Results & Easy for you: DIY or Hire a Virtual Assistant
🗑But if it’s Hard for you & Low results: Don’t waste your time. Don’t even put on your to-do list.

[bctt tweet=”Usually you can DIY most of your tasks, but as you are only one person, that means something else will be push it to the end of the list, like work with your clients, or even sleep.” username=”helloritaviana”]
Sometimes easy tasks can be deceiving
“Easy for you” is tricky! It’s easy to sidetrack. DIY is for people who have high focus and are not perfectionists.
Usually you can do it yourself most of your tasks, but as you are only one person that means something else will be push it to the end of the list, like work with your clients, or even sleep.
And if you have a full time job, it’s even harder to do it all. The side-hustle become even more challenging because you have less than 3 hours a day to work on your business. And if you’re a mom (!!), OMG! Warrior!
The thing is you know your business more than I do, a rule of thumb is if you feel you are not taking clients or not launching your course because you have too much to do, hire a V.A.
It’s not even that expensive, check my prices here.
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